Should I go to College? We Let Our Experts Answer

My Cousin Sonya, a finance professional in New York, worries about her teenage sister. She refuses to attend college for further education and wants to become a YouTube influencer. Sonya, who hails from a family of highly educated (with postgrad degrees and PhDs) individuals, says, ‘I can’t accept this; she should at least get a […]
Career Counseling for High School Students and Role of EdTech Companies

Learn why career counseling is necessary for high school students and examples of some EdTech companies to help in this transition.
SMEs v/s Learning Experts: Exploring the Differences

If you are in the education space, you would often come across terminologies like ‘subject matter experts’, ‘instructional designer’, and ‘learning experts’. But have you ever understood the exact difference between the three? Bearing a close similarity in the nature of their fields, the three terms can often be confused for one. As an educator […]
Adaptive Learning as a New-Age Teaching Methodology

Adaptive Learning is a technologically-driven personalized learning experience. This model incorporates algorithms, assessments, and feedback to tailor unique learning paths and course sequencing to suit various learning styles. Traditional teaching presents a rigid course material to fit all the students. Adaptive Learning makes use of frequent assessments, exchanges feedback with learners, and opens alternative learning […]
Why Children Hate School and How You Can Help Them?

None of us are oblivious to the fact that many children hate school. The statement is backed by a lot of factors, including made-up health excuses, unreasonable tears, and illogical stubbornness of missing schools, which can especially be true for younger students. While there may be a plethora of reasons for this behavior, the primary […]