Tips To Use Animation In E-Learning Courses

We’re sure everyone will agree when we say that involving learners/employees in e-learning can be a difficult job. Though static graphics are a good tool to keep learners interested, animation can also greatly aid in e-learning. E-Learning is extremely beneficial because it is more immersive and allows for the presentation of knowledge in motion. It may […]
Animation in Education: Advantages

Animation occurs when images, drawings, or pictures are placed and played in sequence to create an illusion of movement. The use of animation in education is increasing in popularity with new trends in education. The fact that it eases the learning of complex concepts contributes to making it a popular choice among educators and learners. […]
Animation in eLearning: An Introduction

E-Learning has come a long way with various adaptations over time. The use of animation, videos, gamification, and other such methods further amplifies its scope. Learners are widely choosing eLearning as an alternative to traditional classroom learning due to its various features. One notable feature is the use of animation in eLearning. This article explores the […]
Interactive Courses: Tips to Create E-Learning Courses

eLearning, also known as the modern way of learning, refers to imparting education via electronic media that goes beyond the four walls of a traditional classroom. Its wide outreach makes it a more convenient and resourceful way of learning. However, with the growing demand for eLearning courses, instructional designers must use interactive elements to make […]
Online Learning

What is Online Learning? Online Learning is a broad umbrella term that we apply to any kind of education that happens over the Internet. Online courses may follow synchronous or asynchronous modes of instruction. E-Learning is a popular trend in learning, and it involves complex information and communication technologies such as Moodle, MOOCs, Virtual Reality, […]
Enhancing E-Learning with Interactivity

eLearning, also known as the modern way of learning, refers to imparting education via electronic media that goes beyond the four walls of a traditional classroom. This mode of learning is more personalized and eliminates the physical presence of a teacher to understand the concepts taught. However, the course developers often struggle to overcome the […]
Video Learning Styles: An Introduction

Video-based learning is a widely acknowledged method of education due to the various benefits it offers. Using videos for teaching and learning is more interesting than reading, the reason being that videos provide a bigger picture of concepts and ease their understanding. Moreover, the use of virtual reality videos helps bring the world into the classroom. […]
Effective E-learning Tools: Determinants and Options

eLearning, also known as the modern way of learning, refers to imparting education via electronic media that goes beyond the four walls of a traditional classroom. Since most of the modes of eLearning involve little to no teacher interference, the lessons or courses need to be self-sufficient in all aspects. Authoring tools are basic frameworks […]
Creating Video-Based Educational Courses

Video-based learning is acquiring an understanding of a concept by the means of a video lesson accessible through electronic media. It is a paradigm shift in education from conventional in-class learning to a captivating form of learning. The current education standards emphasize practical knowledge and skills with theory, for which the conventional learning methods prove […]
Benefits of Video Based Learning

Our blog on Video-Based Learning gives insights into the concept of including videos in eLearning. This is an interactive approach, unlike the mundane ‘click-next’ form of e-learning. Although the term ‘video-based learning’ seems new, videos have been in use in eLearning for a long time now. They not only modify the ways of learning but also provide […]