Avoiding Plagiarism In Academic Content

Even the greatest copywriters find it difficult to generate plagiarism-free material or avoid plagiarism in academic content, with over 200 million active websites online. After all, there’s only so much one person can say about a subject before they start repeating themselves! Many copywriters are forced to write about subjects that have previously been explored […]
Avoiding Plagiarism Related Issues

The Internet places the whole world at our fingertips. We can be miles apart and yet connected with the help of social media. The Internet has spread its roots so deep, that we cannot go through even a single day without it. As global citizens, a high percentage of the human population completely depends on […]
An Introduction to Plagiarism

Plagiarism refers to the act of presenting the original work from some creator as your own without duly acknowledging the creator. The ambit of creative work includes an idea, text, data, drawings, or work in any format (print or digital) which is original. Plagiarism is against the very basic principles of ethics and is reflective […]