Things That We Should Know About the Teacher Shortage in America

Economic cycles do not come with time but with circumstances. The clamor around the shortage of teachers is a piece of unpleasant news, baffling the district superintendents, the researchers, the schools, and now everyone. It has become a frequent media highlight. The concern is less about how this teacher shortage will be met and how […]
If SEL in Schools is a Product, Then it Needs a Technology and Marketing Upgrade.

A good SEL curriculum in schools may help in reducing incidences of violence and issues related to mental health among children
What is SEL (Social Emotional Learning) and How Does it Help Students?

People with good socio-emotional abilities are better equipped to deal with daily problems and achieve academic, career, and social success. The process of acquiring self-awareness, self-control, and interpersonal skills that are necessary for school, work, and life success is known as social emotional learning (SEL). These abilities may be taught and developed at any age, […]